How to Conceive a Baby Girl Naturally Calculator

Many couples wish to have some control over the gender of their baby when planning conception. Based on scientific evidence, it is clear that the probability of conceiving a boy and a girl is almost equal [1]. However, many couples look for the answer to a common question which is, how to conceive a girl naturally.
Such questions exist because there are theories that suggest you can influence the odds of conceiving a baby girl or a boy naturally. However, there is not much scientific evidence to confirm these theories, and it is not a good idea to completely trust such theories and build expectations.
In this article, we will explore these theories and explain the science behind them in a simple way possible. The article also covers helpful tools like how to conceive a baby girl naturally calculator and how to conceive a baby boy naturally calculator.
Human Sex Chromosomes: What Decides Gender?
A normal human being carries 23 pairs of chromosomes [2]. The first 22 pairs of chromosomes in humans, called autosomes, determine various physical and genetic traits such as eye color, height, and inherited conditions.
It is the 23rd pair chromosome, called the sex chromosome, that determines the gender [3]. There are two types of sex chromosomes: X and Y. In females, these are two X chromosomes, making the 23rd pair XX. In contrast, there is one X and one Y chromosome in a male, making the 23rd pair XY [3].

Chromosomes In Egg and Sperm
Sperm is the male gamete or male reproductive cell, while the egg is the female gamete or female reproductive cell. Both the sperm and the egg cells contain a single sex chromosome, and when they meet, the combination of these sex chromosomes determines the gender of the baby [3].
A male produces two types of sperm cells. Some of those sperm cells contain an X chromosome, while some contain a Y chromosome. In contrast, a female only makes egg cells with an X chromosome.
So, whether the newborn is a baby girl or baby boy depends on the following:
- Baby Girl (XX): A baby girl is conceived when an egg, which always carries an X chromosome, is fertilized by a sperm that also carries an X chromosome. This pairing results in an XX combination, a sex chromosome for a female.
- Baby Boy (XY): A baby boy is conceived when the X-carrying egg is fertilized by a sperm carrying a Y chromosome. This pairing produces an XY combination, a sex chromosome for a male.
How to Conceive a Baby Girl Naturally
Based on the evidence that X sperm are slower but have a longer lifespan, many natural methods have been suggested to boost the chance of conceiving a baby girl [4]. Although there is no guarantee that these methods will work, some couples believe they might help. These methods or techniques for conceiving a baby girl include:
Intercourse a Few Days Before Ovulation
X sperm are slower but live longer than Y sperm [4]. Having sex two to three days before ovulation allows X sperm to survive in the female reproductive tract, while the faster Y sperm may lose energy and die before the ovulation or egg release happens.
So, you must track your ovulation and try to plan regular intercourse two to three days before ovulation [5]. Also, avoid intercourse a day before ovulation or on the ovulation day, as that may favor faster Y sperm. This way, you may improve your chances of conceiving a girl.
Shallow Penetration
Some theories suggest that shallow penetration favors X sperm because it places sperm farther from the cervix, where conditions are less favorable for Y sperm. X sperm may survive longer in the vaginal environment, while Y sperm struggle in this condition.
Positions that result in shallow penetration, such as missionary, can be the answer to a common question: how to make a baby girl.
Diet to Favor a Girl
Some studies suggest that a diet rich in calcium and magnesium may create a favorable environment for how to increase chances of having a girl [6].
You can eat dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts to obtain sufficient calcium and magnesium. Also, avoid foods high in potassium and sodium, which may favor Y sperm [6].
Using a Baby Girl Conception Calculator
Some online calculators predict the best time for intercourse to boost the chances if you are confused about how to have a girl. You can simply search on the internet for how to have a baby girl naturally calculator, and you will find tools that will help you calculate the best days to try based on your cycle.
How to Conceive a Baby Boy Naturally
For couples who wish to conceive a boy, the focus is on favoring Y sperm. Y sperm are faster but do not survive as long as X sperm. For couples aiming to conceive a boy, understanding the timing and methods, such as those outlined in how to conceive a boy naturally with the best timing and tips, can help increase the chances of favoring Y sperm for fertilization. Here are some ways one can facilitate Y sperm to cause fertilization and conceive a boy:
Intercourse Around Ovulation
Since Y sperm swim faster and can reach the egg quickly when released, having sex as close as possible to ovulation day gives Y sperm a better chance to reach the egg first. You can use ovulation tracking methods to pinpoint the exact day of ovulation and ensure intercourse with as little gap as possible [5].
Deep Penetration
Deep penetration helps deposit sperm closer to the cervix, where conditions may favor the Y sperm. Y sperm have a short lifespan, so placing them closer to the egg increases their chances. Positions like doggy style or standing may help when trying how to conceive a baby boy naturally.
Using a Baby Boy Conception Calculator
Online tools, like how to conceive a boy naturally calculator, helps you predict the best times to conceive a boy based on your cycle length. These tools usually help you detect your ovulation days and suggest planning intercourse near the ovulation day to facilitate Y sperm.
How to Track Ovulation
Knowing when to have sex to have a girl or a boy depends on accurately tracking ovulation. Here are some effective ways to track your ovulation days:
Calendar Method
To use the calendar method, you need to track your menstrual cycle for a few months to estimate when ovulation occurs. Based on an accurate guess about the length and pattern of the menstrual cycle, you can predict your ovulation and fertile days for baby boy or girl. Different fertility apps and ovulation calculators let you detect your ovulation with a calendar method.
Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
Ovulation causes a slight increase in basal body temperature, which you can detect by taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. This method works best for women who observe their menstrual cycle closely.
Cervical Mucus Observation
Cervical mucus is a fluid produced by the cervix that surrounds the opening to the uterus. Besides the ovulation days, the cervical mucus stays thick and stretchy to prevent the entry of foreign harmful agents into the uterus. However, during ovulation, this mucus becomes thin and slippery to facilitate sperm movement inside the female reproductive tract.
Ovulation Predictor Kits
If your menstrual cycle is irregular, ovulation predictor kits might be the most suitable option. These test kits come with a urine test strip to detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs before ovulation.
How to Maximize Your Chances of Conception?
When planning a pregnancy for either a girl or boy, improving fertility is essential. Here are some ways you can boost your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant:
Healthy Diet
Studies show that diet significantly influences female fertility health and her chances of conception [7]. When planning to conceive, you must support your fertility health with nutrients like folate, iron, calcium, and iodine.
You can get these nutrients by eating foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. If you are looking for ways on how to concieve a girl or how to conceive a female, eating calcium and magnesium-rich foods might help [6].
Consider Fertility Supplements
Female fertility supplements provide essential nutrients that can support your reproductive health and improve your chances of conception. Doctors often recommend fertility supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies that negatively impact female fertility health.
You can consider Women’s Fertility Support by Conceive Plus, a reputable and effective female fertility supplement. It contains key vitamins like folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and iron, which help regulate ovulation and support overall fertility health.
Regular Intercourse
Ovulation and tracking and planning regular intercourse around the days of ovulation can increase your chances of conception. Since sperm cells can live for up to 5 days inside the female body, having sex every two to three days covers the entire fertile window.
Use Fertility-Friendly Lubricants
Studies show that lubricants that couples often use during intercourse harm the sperm cells [8]. Such lubricants can negatively impact sperm motility and make conception challenging.
To avoid the risk, experts recommend using fertility-friendly lubricants. If you are looking for options, the Fertility Lubricant by Conceive Plus can help you increase your chances of conception. This lubricant is scientifically proven to maintain 99% sperm viability after 2 hours of exposure.
The Bottom Line
If you wish to conceive a baby girl, some theories suggest that you can increase the chances by favoring certain conditions. These theories are based on the idea that X sperm, which leads to a baby girl, is slower than Y chromosome-carrying sperm but lives longer.
Therefore, when curious how to have a girl, you should have intercourse 2 to 4 days before ovulation and avoid deep penetration. How to conceive a baby girl naturally calculator like tools can help you determine the right time of intercourse for conceiving a girl.
These methods favor the long-lasting X sperm, increasing the chances of getting pregnant with a baby girl. However, it is important to understand that these theories are not scientifically proven and do not guarantee success in every case.
What is the best month to conceive a girl?
Some people believe that nature favors the conception of boys from months September to November and conception of girls from March to May. So, by this theory, March, April, and May can be the three best months to conceive a girl.
How to make sure you have a girl?
If you are looking for an answer to how to get pregnant with a girl with complete certainty, you can go for procedures like selective sperm selection where only X sperm is allowed to fertilize the egg.
Resources Used
- Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2019, June 1). Gender ratio. Our World in Data.
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (US). (1998–). Genes and disease [Internet]. Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information (US). Chromosome map. Available from
- Gilbert, S. F. (2000). Chromosomal sex determination in mammals. Developmental Biology (6th ed.). Sinauer Associates. Retrieved from
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