cool testicles

Do Cool Testicles and Testicle Coolers Improve Sperm Production

Do Cool Testicles and Testicle Coolers Improve Sperm Production - Conceive Plus® Do Cool Testicles and Testicle Coolers Improve Sperm Production - Conceive Plus®

When it comes to fertility, many factors influence sperm health, including diet, lifestyle, and temperature. One topic that's gaining attention is the idea of keeping cool testicles to boost sperm production. But how effective is it to keep your testicles cold, and can products like testicle coolers really make a difference? In this article, we explore whether maintaining a scrotum cold can improve fertility and discuss how to get more sperm in your balls naturally.

Why Does Temperature Matter for Sperm Health?

The testicles are located outside the body for a very specific reason—sperm production requires a cooler environment than the rest of the body. The ideal temperature for sperm production is around 93.2°F (34°C), which is slightly below the body's core temperature. When the testicles get too warm, whether from hot showers, tight clothing, or sitting for long periods, sperm quality can be negatively impacted [1]. Curious to learn more about the effects of temperature on sperm? Find out does heat kill sperm and how it impacts testicle health and fertility.

Overheating the testicles can lead to:

  • Reduced sperm count: Fewer sperm are produced when testicles are exposed to heat.
  • Decreased sperm motility: Sperm are less likely to move effectively towards the egg.
  • Abnormal sperm shape: Heat can affect the morphology (shape) of sperm, making conception harder [2].

How Do Testicle Coolers Help Keep Testicles Cold?

There are several devices and products designed to keep your testicles cold and support healthy sperm production. Testicle coolers, such as cooling underwear or ice packs, aim to reduce heat stress on the reproductive organs. These products help keep the scrotum cold, which may, in theory, enhance sperm quality by maintaining the optimal temperature for sperm development [3].

While there are limited studies specifically focused on testicle cooling devices, small-scale research suggests that reducing scrotal temperature might improve sperm motility and count in men experiencing fertility issues. However, more extensive research is needed to confirm these benefits [4].

Top Tip: Consider using loose-fitting underwear like boxers to keep your testicles at a cooler temperature throughout the day.

Can Cooling Testicles Really Increase Sperm Count?

One common question is whether keeping cool testicles can genuinely boost sperm production. If heat damages sperm, does the opposite—cooling—actually help? Some men have found success in improving their fertility by lowering their testicular temperature using testicle coolers or other cooling methods [5]. However, it's important to understand that while cooling can help maintain optimal conditions for sperm production, it's not a miracle cure.

For men wondering how to get more sperm in your balls, testicle cooling could be one part of a broader fertility strategy. Other lifestyle factors, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising, and avoiding substances that can harm sperm quality, are equally crucial [6].

Top Tip: Combining cooling methods with a nutrient-rich diet that includes antioxidants like Vitamin C and Zinc can maximize your chances of boosting sperm production.

Natural Ways to Keep Testicles Cool and Boost Sperm Health

While cooling devices can help, there are simple lifestyle changes that naturally support fertility by preventing overheating:

  • Avoid tight clothing: Tight pants and underwear can trap heat. Opt for looser-fitting clothes.
  • Limit time in hot environments: Long hot baths, saunas, and hot tubs should be avoided.
  • Take breaks from sitting: Prolonged sitting can increase scrotal temperature, so take frequent breaks to stand up and move around [7].
  • Use cooling techniques: If you're concerned about overheating, applying a cold compress or using specialized cooling underwear can help keep your scrotum cold.

Top Tip: Make sure not to overcool the testicles. Always use cooling devices according to the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid discomfort or skin damage.

How to Get More Sperm in Your Balls: Lifestyle and Nutritional Tips

Aside from keeping your cool testicles, there are other proven ways to increase sperm count and improve fertility:

  • Healthy diet: Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, Zinc, and CoQ10 helps support sperm production [8].
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes healthy hormone levels and can improve overall sperm quality.
  • Supplements: For additional support, fertility supplements with ingredients like L-arginine, Myo-Inositol, and antioxidants can enhance sperm motility and count by improving blood flow and protecting sperm from oxidative stress [9]. 

By combining these lifestyle changes with cooling techniques, you can potentially boost your sperm count and overall reproductive health [10].

Top Tip: Avoid alcohol, smoking, and excessive caffeine intake, as they can harm sperm health [11].

The Bottom Line

Keeping your testicles cold with methods like testicle coolers may help optimize sperm production, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle. Reducing scrotal heat exposure through simple changes like wearing loose clothing and avoiding hot environments can also improve fertility outcomes. While cooling your testicles can be helpful, it should be part of a comprehensive approach to fertility, including proper diet, exercise, and supplements [12].


Does cooling the testicles improve sperm production?

Yes, cooling the testicles can help optimize conditions for sperm production by reducing heat stress. However, it works best when combined with other healthy habits.

How long should I use testicle coolers?

You can use testicle coolers for short periods throughout the day, but avoid overcooling to prevent discomfort or skin irritation. Always follow product instructions.

Do tight underwear affect sperm count?

Yes, tight underwear can trap heat, raising the temperature around the testicles and potentially lowering sperm count. Opt for loose-fitting options like boxers.

Can diet improve sperm count?

Yes, eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like Zinc, Vitamin C, and Selenium can improve sperm quality and overall fertility.

How can I naturally cool my testicles?

Avoid long exposure to heat sources like hot tubs, wear loose clothing, and take breaks from sitting to allow airflow around the scrotum.


  1. Jung A, Schuppe HC. Influence of genital heat stress on semen quality in humans. Andrologia. Available at:
  2. Mieusset R, Bujan L. Testicular heating and its possible contributions to male infertility: a review. Int J Androl. Available at:
  3. Sharpe RM. Environmental/lifestyle effects on spermatogenesis. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. Available at:
  4. Jung A, Schuppe HC. Influence of genital heat stress on semen quality in humans. Andrologia. Available at:
  5. Hamilton TR, Mendes CM, de Castro LS, de Assis PM, Siqueira AF, Delgado Jde C, Goissis MD, Muiño-Blanco T, Cebrián-Pérez JÁ, Nichi M, Visintin JA, Assumpção ME. Evaluation of Lasting Effects of Heat Stress on Sperm Profile and Oxidative Status of Ram Semen and Epididymal Sperm. Oxid Med Cell Longev. Available at:
  6. Alahmar AT, Calogero AE, Singh R, Cannarella R, Sengupta P, Dutta S. Coenzyme Q10, oxidative stress, and male infertility: A review. Clin Exp Reprod Med. Available at:
  7. Thonneau P, Bujan L, Multigner L, Mieusset R. Occupational heat exposure and male fertility: a review. Hum Reprod. Available at:
  8. Alahmar AT. Role of Oxidative Stress in Male Infertility: An Updated Review. J Hum Reprod Sci. Available at:
  9. Micic S, Lalic N, Djordjevic D, Bojanic N, Bogavac-Stanojevic N, Busetto GM, Virmani A, Agarwal A. Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial on the effect of L-carnitine and L-acetylcarnitine on sperm parameters in men with idiopathic oligoasthenozoospermia. Andrologia. Available at:
  10. Dimitriadis F, Borgmann H, Struck JP, Salem J, Kuru TH. Antioxidant Supplementation on Male Fertility-A Systematic Review. Antioxidants (Basel). Available at:
  11. Ramlau-Hansen CH, Thulstrup AM, Aggerholm AS, Jensen MS, Toft G, Bonde JP. Is smoking a risk factor for decreased semen quality? A cross-sectional analysis. Hum Reprod. Available at:
  12. Harlev A, Agarwal A, Gunes SO, Shetty A, du Plessis SS. Smoking and Male Infertility: An Evidence-Based Review. World J Mens Health. Available at: