can the second sperm make you pregnant

Can The Third-Round Sperms Make A Woman Pregnant?

Can The Third-Round Sperms Make A Woman Pregnant? - Conceive Plus® Can The Third-Round Sperms Make A Woman Pregnant? - Conceive Plus®

Men can ejaculate multiple times during intercourse, and this raises a common question: can sperm from the second or third round still cause pregnancy?

The quantity of semen decreases in multiple ejaculations as the body takes time to replenish sperm [1]. You can even notice the decreased quantity of semen when you ejaculate outside in the second or third round.

However, even in the decreased semen, there are still enough healthy and motile sperm cells to cause pregnancy.

How Many Times A Person Can Ejaculate?

There is a misconception that a person can ejaculate only once during the sexual activity of intercourse. This misconception exists because males lose erection after orgasm and ejaculation [2]. However, it is a normal body mechanism where the person isn't responsive to sexual stimuli for a short duration, called a refractory period [3].

After the refractory period is over, men can ejaculate again, but the ejaculatory volume may be reduced. The frequency of ejaculation and ejaculate volume in different rounds depends on an individual's age, health, and sexual activity.

Studies show that a healthy man can ejaculate more than once a day [4]. A decrease in semen volume and zero sperm count is normal in multiple ejaculations, but there are viable sperm in every ejaculation to cause pregnancy.

Third-Round Sperm And Chances of Pregnancy

Third-round sperm means that a person is ejaculating a third time during intercourse. The third ejaculation will probably have reduced amount of semen and reduced sperm count. But it doesn't mean that sperm from the third round can't cause pregnancy.

For a sperm to fertilize the egg and cause pregnancy, it should be healthy and meet different sperm parameters [5]. If a person is healthy and has a good fertility status, he will have healthy sperm cells even in the third round.

It is important to remember that sperm health and motility is just one factor important for pregnancy. The is also a major role of female body in facilitating or inhibiting pregnancy by regulating the swim of sperm cells to the egg.

Second-Round Sperm And Chances of Pregnancy

A second round of sperm means ejaculation for the second time during intercourse. But can the second sperm make you pregnant?

A second-round ejaculation will surely have more semen and sperm count than the third round but less than the first round.

Similarly, the chances of getting pregnant from second-round ejaculation during intercourse will be more than in the third round but less than in the first round. You can improve the viability of sperm cells by maintaining a healthy reproductive system.

How to Improve Sperm Viability For Pregnancy

Here are some practical ways if you want to improve sperm viability and increase the chances of pregnancy from the second or third round :

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet for the reproductive system or sperm health refers to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Antioxidants like vitamin C and zinc support sperm production and protect them from damage.

  1. Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity boosts overall health and improves hormone levels that help sperm production. However, avoid excessive exercise, which can have the opposite effect.

  1. Avoid Heat Exposure

Studies show that high temperatures from hot baths, saunas, or tight clothing can affect the sperm production process and overall sperm quality. Keep the reproductive organs cool by avoiding frequent and excessive heat exposure for sperm viability.

  1. Limit Alcohol and Avoid Smoking

A 2019 study shows that chronic alcohol intake and smoking can harm sperm production and reduce the chances of successful conception [6]. You must limit these habits for a positive change in fertility status.


If you are someone who is trying to conceive or someone who wants to avoid conception, information about sperm viability is very important. You must know what are the things that can impact the chances of pregnancy.

Multiple ejaculations inside the female body provide more sperm for successful fertilization, while only second or third-round sperm inside the female body may reduce the chances of pregnancy. However, if the question is can a third round of sperm can make a woman pregnant, the answer is yes, it can.


  1. Does the amount of sperm affect pregnancy?

Yes, the amount of sperm directly influences the chances of pregnancy. A higher sperm count means more sperm cells are available to reach the egg and fertilize it.

  1. Can you get pregnant with old sperm?

How long does sperm lives? Sperm can live only a few minutes outside the body. The maximum a sperm can survive inside the female body is five days. So, you can’t get pregnant from any sperm older than 5 five days unless the sperm is frozen and stored.

Resources Used

  1. Mayorga-Torres, J. M., Agarwal, A., Roychoudhury, S., Cadavid, A., & Cardona-Maya, W. D. (2016). Can a Short Term of Repeated Ejaculations Affect Seminal Parameters? Journal of Reproduction & Infertility, 17(3), 177-183. 
  2. Kamnerdsiri, W. A., Rodríguez Martinez, J. E., Fox, C., & Weiss, P. (2018). Clinical correlation between erectile function and ejaculatory function in the Czech male population. PLoS ONE, 13(7). 
  3. Levin R. J. (2009). Revisiting post-ejaculation refractory time-what we know and what we do not know in males and in females. The journal of sexual medicine, 6(9), 2376–2389. 
  4. Wibowo, E., & Wassersug, R. J. (2016). Multiple Orgasms in Men-What We Know So Far. Sexual medicine reviews, 4(2), 136–148. 
  5. Omu, A. E. (2013). Sperm Parameters: Paradigmatic Index of Good Health and Longevity. Medical Principles and Practice, 22(Suppl 1), 30-42. 
  6. Sansone, A., Di Dato, C., de Angelis, C. et al. Smoke, alcohol and drug addiction and male fertility. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 16, 3 (2018). 
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