can yellow sperm get a girl pregnant

Can Yellow Sperm Get A Girl Pregnant?

Can Yellow Sperm Get A Girl Pregnant? - Conceive Plus® Can Yellow Sperm Get A Girl Pregnant? - Conceive Plus®

The normal sperm color is whitish-gray, but you have noticed a change in sperm color at some point [1]. One color that can commonly appear in sperm or ejaculation is yellow.

But what does yellow sperm mean? Can yellow sperm get a girl pregnant?

There are multiple causes for the yellowing of sperm cells, such as urine in sperm, diet, and any infection in the reproductive tract [2]. While the color of semen is yellow, it still contains sperm cells. If those sperm cells are healthy and motile, they can fertilize the egg in the female body and cause pregnancy.

In this article, we will explore the common causes of yellow in sperm and see if yellow sperm is as effective as white sperm for fertilization.

What Does Yellow Sperm Mean?

Yellow sperm usually means that sperm has mixed with urine, or it may be due to other factors like diet, supplements, or an infection.

When you urinate, there is the possibility that some urine is left in the penis. As sperm also comes out from the penis, it can mix with the urine and causes a yellowish appearance of sperm. In addition to urine, some infections, such as prostate gland infection, can cause yellow sperm.

It is not always a point of concern, but repeated yellow color sperm in ejaculation can be a sign of an underlying health problem that can impact your fertility and chances of conception.

Can Yellow Sperm Cause Pregnancy?

A sperm cell must meet different parameters to fertilize an egg and cause pregnancy [3]. These include sperm motility, sperm count, and sperm morphology.

  • Sperm Motility: Motility refers to how well a sperm cell can swim [4]. This property allows the sperm cells to swim efficiently in the female body and reach the egg.
  • Sperm Count: Sperm concentration means the number of sperm present per milliliter of semen. The normal sperm count is 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen [5]. This parameter is also essential for successful conception.
  • Sperm Morphology: Sperm morphology is information about the shape and size of sperm cells [6]. The appropriate shape and size of the sperm cell are important for reaching the egg and fertilizing it.

If yellow sperm cells meet the above criteria, they can lead to pregnancy. But when the reason behind the yellowing of sperm disrupts these sperm parameters, it decreases the chances of pregnancy.

Causes of Yellow In Sperm

Men who notice a yellow hue in semen often find themselves asking why cum is yellow. You can expect yellow semen color for multiple reasons. Some common reasons for the yellow in sperm are:

  1. Diet and Lifestyle

Certain foods and drinks can change the color of your sperm from normal. For instance, foods rich in sulfur, like garlic and onions, can give your sperm a yellowish tint. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can also lead to discoloration.

  1. Medical Conditions

Sometimes, yellow sperm can be a sign of an underlying infection. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause inflammation in the reproductive tract [7]. This inflammation can be the reason behind the yellowish or greenish appearance of sperm.

If you suspect an infection, it's important to consult a healthcare provider for a detailed evaluation of your condition.

  1. Age

As men age, the color of their sperm can change. Older men may notice that their sperm appears more yellow compared to when they were younger. This is generally a normal part of aging and not usually a cause for concern.

When to Consult A Doctor?

While yellow sperm is often harmless, it's a good idea to consult a healthcare provider if you notice other symptoms like pain, burning during urination, or unusual discharge. These could be signs of an underlying condition that requires medical attention.


A normal ejaculation or healthy seminal fluid is whitish-gray in color. However, sperm color can change for multiple reasons. Sometimes, a yellowish appearance in sperm is temporary and harmless. But in some cases, the underlying cause can be severe and can impact fertility.

Yellow color in sperm can be due to a serious condition such as prostate infection or STIs. To protect your fertility status from any risk, you must consult about yellow in sperm and its associated symptoms with your doctor.

Resources Used

  1. Bashir, S. (2024g, August 26). Understanding the Normal Sperm Color Chart. Conceive Plus®. 
  2. Professional, C. C. M. (2024l, September 23). Yellow Semen. Cleveland Clinic. 
  3. Omu, A. E. (2013). Sperm Parameters: Paradigmatic Index of Good Health and Longevity. Medical Principles and Practice, 22(Suppl 1), 30-42. 
  4. Ajmal. (2024i, September 18). What is Sperm Motility and How it Affects Fertility. Conceive Plus®. 
  5. Leslie, S. W., Soon-Sutton, T. L., & Khan, M. A. (2024c, February 25). Male Infertility. StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf. 
  6. Bashir, S. (2024f, August 26). Understanding Sperm Morphology and Fertility. Conceive Plus®. 
  7. Wihlfahrt, K., Günther, V., Mendling, W., Westermann, A., Willer, D., Gitas, G., Ruchay, Z., Maass, N., Allahqoli, L., & Alkatout, I. (2023). Sexually Transmitted Diseases—An Update and Overview of Current Research. Diagnostics, 13(9). 
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