"I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg." - Conceive Plus USA

"I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg."

I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg. Just to let you know, that I tried so hard to get pg. I used everything. The the minute I booked a cruise and 'stopped' trying...I had this sudden urge to buy some, the night after was when I conceived. I didnt have any pregnancy symptoms...but I got a bloated stomach almost straight away... cutecheeks (as posted on http://community.babycentre.co.uk/post/a7162855/conceive_plus_bfp?cpg=1&csi=2023834432&pd=-1)


The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. If you are trying to get pregnant our pregnancy tips are good start to get your body ready for conception. Read more here