"I just found out three days ago I am 4 weeks pregnant" Amazon.com user review - Conceive Plus USA

"I just found out three days ago I am 4 weeks pregnant" Amazon.com user review

This lube doesn't get sticky like the others do. My husband were in the process of trying for another baby (exactly a year of trying with no luck). I purchased Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant. Taking Charge or your Fertility by Toni Weschler, ClearBlue Fertility Strips and the ClearBlue Pregnancy Tests. Just say I was going to make this happen... And I just found out three days ago I am 4 weeks pregnant! I recommend all the products listed. SEH, 22 March 2011 Amazon.com user review / http://www.amazon.com/Conceive-Fertility-Lubricant--conceive-Naturally/dp/B002V0ZJ4Y/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1300988594&sr=1-1


The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. If you are trying to get pregnant our pregnancy tips are good start to get your body ready for conception. Read more here


If you have just started trying to get pregnant or have been trying for a while, Conceive Plus® can help increase your chances of conception naturally! Doctors, pharmacists and fertility clinics in more than 60 countries recommends Conceive Plus. This is the fertility friendly lubricant approved by the FDA and a prescription is not required.