"100% recommended :-) was trying for 5 months then fell pregnant first time using this"

"100% recommended :-) was trying for 5 months then fell pregnant first time using this", Claire G., Facebook, May 2017
"Me & my husband struggle to get pregnant. His sperm count is very low. The Dr's told us there were now way he will ever get me pregnant. He had 3% to get me pregnant. My husband love to chat with people. One day he told the lady at the pharmacy how we struggle to get pregnant. So she told us to get Conceive Plus. Just 2 tries & we got pregnant. My daughter turn 2 the 30 April.", Jessica O. F., Facebook, May 2017
"I'd highly recommend this :) we tried for almost a year with no luck at all. As a last resort we brought a tube of this & conceived the first month using it!! I'm now almost 15weeks with a healthy baby! Thank you", Tracy Louise R., Facebook, May 2017
"It really helped me in conceiving my two kids by the grace of Almighty Allah. After using it first month I conceived after failed attempts for 6 months.", Naseebah N., Facebook, May 2017
"Been trying for 6 months to get pregnant and first month using it fell pregnant brilliant stuff!", Claire C., Facebook, May 2017
"It works :) I have PCOS and I am 24 weeks pregnant now.", Amber E., Facebook, May 2017
"Worked for me",Capo B. R., Facebook, May 2017
"I used it 4 random times in a month and I fell pregnant I'd been trying for 4 yrs and now we have a beautiful baby boy", Kristie W., Facebook, May 2017
"It's guarantee to work you guys .. I used it one month .. & was pregnant by the next month", Mercedes M R., Facebook, May 2017
"We ordered this 3 months ago. Used it once and we are 8 weeks today... after 8 months of trying, wish we had this from the beginning! Had our first OB appt toady and baby is healthy, heart beat 169!", Megan P., Facebook, May 2017