how to check sperm count at home with water

How to Check Sperm Count At Home With Water?

How to Check Sperm Count At Home With Water? - Conceive Plus® How to Check Sperm Count At Home With Water? - Conceive Plus®

Men often worry about their fertility status after facing any reprodutive problem. One way to get an idea about fertility status for men is a sperm count test.

Earlier, sperm count information was possible through finding semen analysis test near me, which is a test performed by different diagnostic facilities [1]. However, with advancements in research, there are ways to check sperm count at home. One such effective technique to measure sperm count is with water.

In this article, we will guide you on how to perform a sperm count test at home using water. We'll also tell you about some other methods to check sperm count at home.

Sperm Concentration and Male Fertility

Before proceeding further on how to check sperm concentration with water, you need to understand why sperm concentration is important for male fertility.

Sperm count refers to the number of sperm cells present per milliliter of semen or jaculate fluid. Reports show that a normal sperm count is between 15 and 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen [2].

If the sperm count is lower than this, there may not be enough sperm cells to reach the egg in the female reprodutive tract. This is because sperm cells face many challenges in the female body and only a few survive and reach the egg [3].

This is why low sperm count reduces the chances of fertilization and critically low sperm count can even make men infertile.

The Sperm Water Test: A Step-by-Step Guide

The sperm water test is a simple DIY method that can give you a hint about your sperm count. It is important to remember that this method doesn't tell about the exact sperm number and is not a replacement for lab tests.

Here is a step by step by step guide on how to check sperm count at home with water:

Step 1: Collecting Semen

The first step for the sperm count test is collecting semen in a clean container. The container should be free from any contaminations as they can impact the accuracy of the results.

Step 2: Add Water to The Sample

The second step is to add distilled water to the container with the sperm sample. Add water in a ratio of 10:1. This means if there is one milliliter of sperm in the container add 10 milliliters of water.

Step 3: Stir The Mixture

After the second step, you just have to stir the sample and wait for a few minutes. After a few minutes, you can proceed with interpreting the results.

Step 4: Interpreting Results

Observe the final mixture to evaluate the sperm count. If the sperm immediately dissolves in water, it indicates a lower sperm count.

However, if the sperm stays as a jelly-like substance and doesn't dissolve much in water, this shows that there is a higher sperm count in the sample.

Limitations of Sperm Count Test With Water

Although a sperm water test is easy to conduct and gives some valuable insights about your sperm concentration, it is in no way near accurate compared to lab tests.

There is a major risk of human error while conducting this test and there are multiple external factors that can impact the end results.

This test also doesn't give any information about sperm morphology, or motility which are equally important as sperm count [4].

So, a sperm water test can be a good start towards evaluating your fertility status at home fertility test, but you shouldn't completely rely on it. It is important to undergo a detailed semen analysis when possible.

Sperm Concentration Test Kit

Other than sperm water tests, one way to check sperm concentration at home is with commercially available sperm concentration test kits.

These test kits come with all the equipment and a manual to guide you on how to perform sperm count tests with the help of a test kit [5]. The results of sperm kit results are more accurate and trustworthy compared to sperm water tests.

You can buy sperm concentration test kits online or from your nearest pharmacy.

Sperm Concentration Test Kit


Low sperm concentration is among the major concerns for men trying to conceive. There are multiple ways to check sperm count, some involving testing facilities and others you can perform at home.

A sperm count test with water is a basic test that gives you an idea if your sperm concentration is low or normal. However, this test is not always accurate and you must consult your health care provider for a detailed evaluation of your fertility status when required.

Resources Used

  1. Sunder, M., & Leslie, S. W. (2022b, October 24). Semen Analysis. StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf. 
  2. Low sperm count - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2022d, December 17).
  3. Suarez, S. S., & Pacey, A. A. (2005). Sperm transport in the female reproductive tract. Human Reproduction Update, 12(1), 23-37. 
  4. Nallella, K. P., Sharma, R. K., Aziz, N., & Agarwal, A. (2006). Significance of sperm characteristics in the evaluation of male infertility. Fertility and Sterility, 85(3), 629-634. 
  5. Bashir, S. (2024a, August 26). How to Use a Sperm Concentration Test Kit. Conceive Plus®.