how much does artificial insemination cost

How Much Does Artificial Insemination Cost?

How Much Does Artificial Insemination Cost? - Conceive Plus® How Much Does Artificial Insemination Cost? - Conceive Plus®

Artificial insemination is an infertility treatment option that helps infertile couples conceive. It involves inserting sperm directly into a woman's reproductive system, which increases the chances of pregnancy [1].

This method is significantly helpful when the problem is with sperm motility or concentration [2]. Artificial insemination bypasses the barriers that sperm face in reaching the egg.

But how much does artificial insemination cost? OR how much does it cost to get artificially inseminated?

In this article, we will answer how much does it cost to be artificially inseminated. If you want to know how expensive is insemination or what are the factors on which the price of artificial insemination depends, this article is a complete guide for you.

What Is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial insemination is a technique where a male sperm cell is directly placed into the female reproductive system. The sperm can be placed into the uterus, cervix, or fallopian tubes, depending on the individual case [3].

It is an effective and practical tool for people facing difficulties with natural conception. The procedure itself is relatively simple and non-invasive, which makes it a convenient option for those looking for infertility treatment.

Types of Artificial Insemination

There are three common types of artificial insemination, and each type has a different method of sperm insertion. How much does it cost to be inseminated depends on the type of insemination.

  1. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is one of the most popular methods that fertility treatment specialists prefer for artificial insemination. In IUI, the sperm cell is inserted directly into the uterus using a thin catheter [4].

Since the sperm cell is placed close to the egg in the female reproductive tract, it increases the chances of the sperm reaching the egg.

  1. Intra-fallopian Insemination (IFI)

The fallopian tube is that part of the female reproductive tract where sperm normally meets the egg [5]. When sperm cell are non-motile, or the sperm concentration is low, the sperm can't reach the egg in the fallopian tube, reducing the chances of conception.

During intra-fallopian insemination, sperm is directly placed into the fallopian tube, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

  1. Intracervical Insemination (ICI)

In intracervical insemination, the sperm cells are placed at the entrance of the cervix, from where they travel towards the uterus. This method resembles natural conception more closely than IUI. However, it may have a slightly lower success rate than IUI because the sperm has more distance to travel.

The Cost of Artificial Insemination

Questions like how much is it to get artificially inseminated, how much is it to get inseminated, or what is the average price of artificial insemination are commonly asked by couples planning for this procedure.

How much is insemination depends on the type of procedure, the fertility clinic, and geographic location. Here is an average cost that you can expect to pay for artificial insemination:

  • IUI Costs: Since IUI requires more penetration compared to ICI and IFI, it is typically expensive. But how much is IUI cost in the USA, or what is IUI cost in NC? On average, one cycle of IUI can cost anywhere between $300 and $1,000 in the USA.
  • IFI Costs: The cost of intra-fallopian insemination also falls in the range of intrauterine insemination. You can expect to pay nearly $500 per attempt for IFI.
  • ICI Costs: The average cost of insemination is usually less expensive with ICI, ranging between $200 and $500 per cycle. It is a simpler procedure and a more affordable option for people looking for artificial insemination. It is important to remember that the success rate of ICI is lower than IUI.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Artificial Insemination

Multiple factors can influence artificial insemination prices or artificial pregnancy costs. How much will the sperm insemination cost you depends on:

  1. Fertility Medications

Fertility medications stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs [6]. When these medications are a part of the insemination procedure, it can significantly impact the overall cost. Fertility drugs typically cost between $50 and $500 per cycle, depending on the medication used.

  1. Sperm Washing

Sperm washing is often necessary during IUI to prepare the sperm for insemination. The washing process separates healthy sperm from less viable sperm, increasing the chances of fertilization. Sperm washing typically costs between $100 and $400.

  1. Monitoring and Ultrasounds

Doctors may monitor the woman's cycle with blood tests and ultrasounds. This monitoring helps determine the best time for insemination. Depending on the clinic and location, these monitoring costs can add another $150 to $500 per cycle.

  1. Donor Sperm

When a male partner is sterile and donor sperm is needed, it will add to the cost. Donor sperm IUI cost can range from $300 to $1,000 per cycle, and depending on the fertility clinic's recommendations, multiple IUI cycles may be necessary.

How Much Does IUI Cost With Insurance?

Insurance coverage for artificial insemination can vary depending on your insurance policy and insurance provider. Some insurance policies may cover parts of the treatment, such as consultations or fertility medications, but often the procedure itself is not covered by insurance.

Your responsibility is to consult with your insurance provider and inquire how much does insemination costs with your plan.


Artificial insemination is a convenient and practical option to conceive for couples struggling with infertility. Information about the average cost of artificial insemination is the first step when planning for this treatment.

How much does fertility insemination costs depends on multiple factors, including the method of insemination, medications, and fertility clinic location. While it may sound expensive to many at first, investing in infertility treatment, such as IUI vs IVF price, is worth it for most infertile couples. Infertility treatments increase the chances of conception and can fulfill their dream of starting a family.

Resources Used

  1. Ombelet, W., & Robays, J. V. (2015). Artificial insemination history: Hurdles and milestones. Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn, 7(2), 137-143. 
  2. Sunder, M., & Leslie, S. W. (2022f, October 24). Semen Analysis. StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf. 
  3. Rosner J, Samardzic T, Sarao MS. Physiology, Female Reproduction. [Updated 2024 Mar 20]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: 
  4. Professional, C. C. M. (2024f, May 1). IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). Cleveland Clinic. 
  5. King, T. C. (2006). Male and Female Genital Tracts and Breast Pathology. Elsevier's Integrated Pathology, 305-336. 
  6. Human Reproduction Open, Volume 2020, Issue 2, 2020, hoaa009,