" yes its fantastic, i fell pregnant 2 times with this item." - Conceive Plus USA

" yes its fantastic, i fell pregnant 2 times with this item."

Conceive Plus user testimonial: " yes its fantastic, i fell pregnant 2 times with this item."

Hi there, Do you mean the sasmar concieve plus lubricant? If so then yes its fantastic, i fell pregnant 2 times with this item. It keeps sperm longer and works against over ph levels. A bit of a cost, but highly recommended. Any questions feel free to ask x (as posted on http://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/antenatal-64/ttc-pre-conception-early-pregnancy-537/604226-conceive-plus-etc.html)


The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. If you are trying to get pregnant our pregnancy tips are good start to get your body ready for conception. Read more here